Introduction to “Doing Spirituality” series on Vimeo OnDemand – click here to learn more….
To be a Christian is to follow Jesus daily in his life and teachings, to be apprenticed to him so that we become more like him. In this course (part of a set of discipleship courses), Alexander lays out the journey, step by step, of character formation toward Christlikeness. What does it mean to be and to make disciplined life-long learners of Jesus – instead of converts to Christianity? Based on his book, Doing Spirituality, the course covers both the biblical basis and the practical methods of spiritual formation, from Jesus’ paradigm of the Kingdom of God, then from Paul’s teaching, and from the history of the Christian spirituality.
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“Therefore every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like a master of a house, who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old” (Matthew 13:52)
Doing Spirituality$22.99
Bundle of ‘Praying The Psalms 1’ Teachings$7.99 – $11.99
Bundle of ‘Doing Church’ Teachings$7.99 – $15.99
Bundle of ‘Doing Reconciliation’ Teachings$7.99 – $14.99
Bundle of ‘Doing Healing’ Teachings$7.99 – $14.99
Fire in the Belly—Men’s Talks (6 teachings MP3 set)$7.99