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Following Jesus by Practicing Prayer – The HOW of Prayer
Why pray? What is prayer? We pray because prayer is essentially relationship with God, being companions and co-workers with God. It’s easy, most children instinctively pray. Yet the more we pray the more we find it’s a serious challenge! Jesus’ Jewish disciples, well practiced in praying the Psalms, one day watched Jesus praying and asked him, “Teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples to pray!” (Luke 11:1f). The How To?
There are two basic ‘modes’ of prayer: ‘Closet Prayer’, regular time and place alone with God; and ‘Ceaseless Prayer’, continual interactive relationship (1Thess 5:17). Today we focus on the former, Jesus’ teaching on how to pray (in Luke 11:1-13 & Matt 6:5-15). If we practice the former then we naturally develop the latter, continual prayer. Continue reading Following Jesus by the Practice of Prayer – Part Two