Alexander F Venter
“Follow Jesus and make followers of him,
learning to live a life of love just as Jesus loved us”
This is My Story
This blog is the product of my, Alexander F Venter teaching ministry since January 1975 when I became a church planter and pastor. I have planted & pastored churches in Zimbabwe, Cape Town, Johannesburg and Soweto. Ordained with the Assembly of God in 1975, I migrated to the Vineyard movement to work with John Wimber in southern California in 1982, and was part of the first Vineyard church plant in Johannesburg.
Alexander is married to Gill and they have two adult children, Zander and Misha-Joy. The Venter’s have lived in intentional Christian community for 23 years, and in 2013 relocated back to Johannesburg in response to a call for Alexander to pastor a Vineyard church called Following Jesus, in North Riding AH, Johannesburg.
Alexander has always based his teaching resources – available through this website – on Matthew 13:44,52: “The Kingdom of Heaven (God’s life and rule, available to us in Jesus Christ) is like a treasure hidden in a field. When a person finds the treasure they joyfully go and sell all that they have in order to buy the field, to explore and share the treasure. A teacher of God’s Word, instructed and trained in Kingdom of Heaven, is like a person who brings out these treasures – both old and new realities of God and his Kingdom.”
Alexander ‘s passion is to make the treasures of the Kingdom available to all who want to follow Jesus, praying that God will use them for spiritual formation toward Christlikeness, in order to equip people for effective life and ministry in God’s Kingdom. His personal life mission is to “follow Jesus and make followers of him, learning to live a life of love just as Jesus loved us” (from Matthew 4:19, 28:18-20, and Ephesians 5:2 NIV)